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Tag Archives: Migron expulsion
throwing rocks at inner syntax
The existence of evil in a world under divine supervision is a uestion that has long haunted humanity, especially when one focuses on the Holy Land itself. It leads one t openly question what entered the Almighty’s mind when he … Continue reading
Much ado about nothing? Its remarkable how the most ardent critics of Zionism are basically part of the same ideological swamp ; leftist foes of liberal democracy that could not function without stretching the boundaries of the state’s democratic pretext … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged Amona expulsion, Ariel Sharon, Daniella Weiss, ehud olmert, Flytilla 2012, gush katif expulsion, Gush Katif museum, Judea and Samaria, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Migron expulsion, prime minister olmert, rabbi haim kanievski, rabbi ovadia yosef, Slavoj Zizek, Welcome to Palestine project, Yesha group, Yesha Rabbi Council
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